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Dark Chocolate: A Dedication to Resilience in the African Diaspora

by PrinCple |

Hello Family,

As a black-owned company, we have an intimate understanding of the deep systemic disparities that are upheld today within the U.S. where we are based. It is something that is a struggle for black people across the world on various levels yet different cultural experiences whether in Europe, Central America, South America, El Caribe or our profound place of origin– Africa. What I love about us, from my own experiences, is that no matter where I travel there remains to be a general sentiment of love that fills the air when we see each other because we "see" each other. Let's remind ourselves of the resilience we have together, continue to love and be conscious of our power.

And on that note, I'm sharing this poem I wrote called Dark Chocolate a few weeks ago which was posted on our social channels but I never posted here. I'm a creative person so I needed to use the energy I feel and release it into my outlet of choice– this time it was writing these words. Here's the video we posted on Instagram: 

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I wrote this poem to release some of the sadness felt after the events that transpired this week. It’s good when we find ways to express ourselves without resulting to actions that overshadows the reason why we are here, why we call out injustices and why we will continue to empower our communities. For me, it’s art, it’s writing, it’s music! (Did someone say soca... 🎶) So much to be said and so much is left unsaid but let’s stop “talking” and be proactive, positively, in our actions. One World. One Family. Poem: Dark Chocolate Stock images sourced from Unsplash. If you’d like specific info, just reach out. #justiceforfloyd #justiceforgeorgefloyd #icantbreathe #blacklivesmatter #darkchocolate #chocolatemen #chocolatewoman #positivevibes #poetrycommunity #spokenwordpoetry #spokenwordartist #womenwhowritepoetry #blackgirlmagic #blackcreativesmatter #blackcreatives #whothecapfits #blackandwhitephotography #blackisbeautiful #blackculture #fortheculture #afrolatina #caribbeancreatives #africaisbeautiful #africandiaspora #wordsofwisdom #wordsofencouragement #poeticjustice #seemeforwhoiam #seemeforme #blackart

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